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West Furnishings was founded in 1999 and is owned and operated by Russell West. We offer quality products at discount prices by working with suppliers and manufacturers to ship directly to customers from their warehouse to cut down on overhead and expenses. Customer service is of utmost importance and we will make sure you have a positive shopping experience. Owner Russell West answers the phone and handles your order personally. West Furnishings may not be as large as other online furniture businesses, however you will receive personal service on every order and inquiry.

West Furnishings 302 W. Viewmont Ln Spokane, WA 99224 509-993-0748 Pacific Time 509-448-1077 FAX westfurnishings@att.net all emails will be answered promptly.
We Gladly Accept: Visa, MC, AX, Discover, and PayPal.
PAYPAL email is westfurnishings@att.net Checks and Money Orders also accepted. Please mail your check or money order to:
West Furnishings 302 W. Viewmont Ln Spokane, WA 99224 westfurnishings@att.net
Most items are shipped directly from suppliers and manufactureres and ship from 2-7 days. Fed Ex ground and UPS ground are used for items small enough to ship by this method. Otherwise trucking companies are used. We cannot not ship to APO addresses and only ship within the CO US for shipping price listed. For Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada please email us to see if we can ship there and the shipping charge. If an item is not received within the time period mentioned contact us and we will receive a tracking number. Shipping prices are fixed for each item.
If you choose to cancel your purchase and it has not been shipped that is not a problem. If it has been shipped you must refuse acceptance however you still may be charged for a shipping charge. If an item is damaged in shipment either refuse the item or contact me right away.
We have a 30 return policy after placing the order it you don't like the product. However shipping charges are not refundable and a 15% restocking fee may apply. Item must still be a new condition to be sold and cannot have been assembled.
Contact us via email at westfurnishings@att.net with any problems. Damaged items or missing parts must be reported right away. If damaged, keep original packaging for claims inspection.
In the event an item is priced incorrectly in error, West Furnishings reserves the right to notify the customer and cancel order. There can be a possibility that an item is out of stock temporarily or discontinued. In this case your order may be cancelled and you will be notified.
Thank you very much for choosing West Furnishings to do your shopping.
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